Saturday, April 10, 2010

The development of obsession.

I'd say the past couple days have been productive and enjoyable.
Though I'm almost reaching the point of anxiety over how much there is to learn and do.
I'm trying to stay centered and enjoy each new discovery.

Reading some books that are bringing me into spiritual exploration,
trying to make sense of reality, connecting with humans in a ways that
i have never experienced, and keeping in mind that
what we call the truth is simply our truth at any given moment in time.

Kyli and I found a very interesting plant growing near our compost pile.
It is supposedly a very dangerous hallucinogenic called datura.
I harvested some seeds for my dawning herb and elixer collection.

As spring is sabotoging all of my hopes for any kind of social life,
I am constantly finding things that make me feel like I'm seeing the world
as a child.  I'm noticing and feeling things in the woods that I've never felt.
here are some them:

I don't know what these are, but they are growing all over the forest floor.
Of course the birch sap continues to flow.
After my initial harvest of dandelions, awesome early spring salads, and a delicious root tonic,
I decided I wanted to have a big stock of the dried root, so I spent a rainy friday morning
shoveling, washing and chopping.  I knew I wouldn't have been able to use all of the greens
so I donated them to the kitchen where they were made up into unique stir frys and beet, parsnip, and dandelion salads.
I got my roots dried and should be set for a while.

Later that day, my good friend Sean and I decided to go morrel hunting.
 They were all hiding quite well, and after a thorough soaking we decided to try our luck later.

The farm is doing well and it has been a beautiful place to foster my growth.
my mead's first sunrise.
i love tools!
I should probably limit the amount of animal parts I have in my room/ on my body.

I'm determined to gaze into a fire, and pick at some guitar this evening, so i'm prepping our fire pit.

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